One of the cool places we visited was the Bishop Museum. The kids just loved the "Animation" interactive display and the Science center with the volcano and underwater adventure. Here are a few pictures of our trips there (we got the annual pass so we can go back as often as we want....pretty cool family package!)

We also had a big party for the two boys at the BYU-H Game Room. It was fun to have so many of our friends and family over to celebrate with us. Unfortunately, in our rush to get everything ready, we forgot our camera....so if you want to see more pictures of the event, go look on Abi's Facebook account as she had lots of good friends taking pictures too:)
Well, after two weeks of fun and sun, Daddy had to go back to work and thankfully the kids back to school! It was definitely worth it and I enjoyed every second playing and just spending time with my kids....something I wish I could do more of these days. For those of you who are able, don't pass the opportunity to spend some quality time with your children too....they will be grown up and out of the house before you know it and you will wish you could roll back the years to when they were small again. I hope the Lord allows me to be able to do more of this and that I have the good sense to do so!
Rob out!
Cool video of some fun we had at Bishop Museum.....
Too cool! Love it. Looks like the kids had fun. We love you guys.
Abby, I found your blog from Stephanie Walkers. Your kids are so big. I have often wondered what you have been up to. It was fun to get caught up a little. Hope you are doing well!
~Carolyn Jordan
wow ang saya naman! kaiinggit!
Hey guys! We miss you. Wish we could have been there during spring break for all of the fun. Come visit us soon! Love you.
It's so nice to catch up with you guys. We hope to see you soon.
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