Hauole Makahiki Hou!!!
We bid farewell to 2008 and welcomed in the New Year in style with around....oh 50 of our freinds. There is an old filipino saying that the more people you have over at your home on the new year, the more blessings you will receive in the new year....so we are expecting lots of blessings:).
Here are a few pictures of our fun night/morning:
Good food, good company, good fun!!
Fireworks....don't get burned!
Ali'i and Esa after all the fireworks were done
So if the all-nighter New Year's party wasn't enough, we decided to invite some more of our Ward freinds over for another party the first Saturday of new year. Here are some pictures of that event:
More food!!!
Two sweet couples dancing to the Karaoke music
Getting down singing Karaoke!
Well, we are all partied out! We were thankful to have so many friends and family to celebrate with and look forward to the opportunities this New Year brings. May your day's be filled with love and laughter, and we hope to run into you again sometime this year.